Amazing Fantasy

In August 1962, the cancellation of Amazing Adult Fantasy was unavoidable. The series had already undergone a name change when Stan Lee and Steve Ditko transformed Amazing Adventures in 1961 to better align with the more serious tone of the stories.

Despite the rebranding, it became evident that the series lacked impact, leading to disappointing sales figures.

For the 15th and final issue of Amazing Adult Fantasy, publisher Martin Goodman gave Stan Lee the green light to introduce a new superhero: the Amazing Spider-Man.

The new superhero was a hit with the audience, earning Spider-Man his very own comic series. In the 90s, Kurt Busiek and Paul Lee worked on issues #16 to #18 of Amazing Fantasy, creating a sequel to Spider-Man’s debut in issue #15.

Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)

amazing fantasy 15


1st Appearance of Spider-Man

Grade 2.0 Grade 4.0 Grade 6.0 Grade 8.0 Grade 9.0 Grade 9.4 Grade 9.6
$20 000
$35 000
$75 000
$300 000
$750 000
$1 500 000
$3 600 000

Common questions about Amazing Fantasy Comics

What is Amazing Fantasy?

Amazing Fantasy is a Marvel Comics series known for introducing Spider-Man in its final issue, Amazing Fantasy #15. It originally featured short fantasy and sci-fi stories.

How much is Amazing Fantasy #15 worth?

The value of Amazing Fantasy #15 varies greatly depending on its condition and rarity, often making it one of the most valuable comics in history.

When was Amazing Fantasy #15 released?

Amazing Fantasy #15 was released in August 1962.

How many Amazing Fantasy #15 exist?

The exact number of Amazing Fantasy #15 copies that exist is unknown, but estimates suggest several thousand, with far fewer in high-grade condition.

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